Research Fellows
About Dipika Das

Dipika Das
Research Fellow Gender And Equality
Dipika has completed PhD from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. She is a recipient of the John Allwright Fellowship, Australian Center of International Agriculture Research (ACIAR), Australia Awards. After completion of a bachelor’s degree in public health in Nepal, she worked in the field of health research for several years. She received the Asian Development Bank Japanese scholarship to pursue a Master’s degree in Gender and Development Studies at the Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand. She has garnered research experience in gender studies from Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan and finished Executive Leadership program at the University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Dipika was part of the social science research team at the International Water Management Institute-Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR) team working in Eastern Gangetic plains of Nepal, India, and Bangladesh on gender issues of smallholder farmers. During her tenure, she also developed a gender-training manual. She gained expertise in qualitative research methods, NVivo software, and mixed research methods. She has experience in designing and conducting gender training.
Dipika is keen to understand the context of feminization in agriculture, resulting from increasing male out-migration, and how women smallholder farmers are facing gendered challenges. She also has research interest on women’s bargaining power and agricultural value chain.
Twitter: @dipika555