Impacts of climate change on germination, growth, pollination, and distribution of Himalayan medicinal herbs Aconitum spicatum and Aconitum naviculare

The study examines the potential impacts of CC on two important medicinal herbs of the Himalayas, Aconitum spicatum (prioritized by the Nepal government) and A. naviculare (most frequently used medicinal herbs in Tibetan medicine). Data will be collected by laboratory/field experiments, ecological field sampling, and existing global datasets on climate and biodiversity. Field experiments and sampling for this study will be conducted primarily at two sites within Annapurna Conservation Area, central Nepal. This project is funded by the University Grant Commission, Nepal.

Partner organization: Central Department of Botany, Tribhuvan University, Nepal

Investigator (s): Dr. Bharat Babu Shrestha (Lead), Dr. Anjana Devkota, Dr. Achyut Tiwari, Dr. Babu Ram Poudel, Dr. Uttam Babu Shrestha